Saturday, 13 July 2019

Top 200 Non-Beauties of the WTA

This list was created for my 1st RYM account, in 2009. Back then, it was "only" a top 100 list. About a year later I expanded the list to twice the size, for my 3rd RYM account. 

As you can plainly see, this version never saw the light of day. (Zero pageviews.) I had done this updated version just for myself, knowing that if I published it, the RYM spies would connect the new account to the Fedor8 account. So here it is, the world premiere of the Ugl... Sorry... The Top 200 WTA Non-Beauties list! Almost a decade later!

So... On a scale from 1 to 11, how ashamed am I of making such a vile list? The honest answer: a 5. I feel mildly ashamed. I am ashamed enough to realize that I am ashamed, but not ashamed enough to not post it on my blog due to shame. Because it's just way too funny not to. Besides, these gals get judged all the time; tens of thousands of tennis fans comment on their appearance, but they do it by whispering in the stands, by sending SMS messages, or waiting until they are safe within the privacy of their homes, which is when they can finally say all the un-PC stuff that they only wished they could say out loud.

Well, this list says it out loud. It's my list, after all. I hate political correctness, you know how much I detest that shit.

Note:  This top 200 list hasn't been tampered with for a whole 8 years. It hasn't been updated for almost a decade, hence doesn't include a whole plethora of younger players. I.e. it is not an all-time non-beauties list anymore - as it more-or-less had been a decade ago.

Yes, I might just do an updated version for 2019, at some point. That would be a lot of fun. But instead of replacing dozens of "lower-ranked" butch tomboys with even "better" ones, I'd probably expand the list to a top 250, or even 300. 

You're not sure I can find 100 new non-beauties on the female tennis circuit? Are you insane?... Don't bet on it. 

Top 200 WTA Non-Beauties

... Because what pimp would ever hire her?

She usually comes on court dressed in some ridiculous femme fatale outfit. She is as tasteless as she is deluded.

There are little puddles of rain in those Yeti holes... WTA organizers are so glad she's retired from tennis. No need to secretly fix those holes in the ground anymore.

Yup. A number of gals featured here are actually to be found on several "hottest WTA" lists on the internet. People are insane.

The top 100 - coming up!
Trust me, the top 100 will make this 100 look like top-notch hotties! 
Not to mention the top 50!
Let alone the top 20!!!
And the top 10???... 
The top 10 will have you question your sanity... question whether you're human... question whether you are in another dimension... 
You will question the very nature of gender.

 In fact, here it is...

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